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Gruppo per ricerce di mercato

Pubblico·22 membri

Vinci Sans Font: The Inspiration and Features of the Custom Typeface

to get started, you can download the one i wrote about from the site linked above. once you've got it, you should be able to change the font size and line height as you like. to get a feel for the design, you may also want to get a smaller version of the same font. you can usually get a condensed version by going to the fontsquirrel site and downloading a sample. some font designers offer this for free, but usually only for a limited time. you can also pick up some of the web-based services from adobe, typekit, and the like. you can usually find a condensed version for free, or a full version for a small fee.

Vinci Sans Font

if you like the font, you can go ahead and buy it. for under $20, it's a bargain, especially if you can get it for a free download and license. i'd recommend typekit, but you can use any web-based service, like fontsquirrel, and find a free version of the font. once you've got it, you should be able to use it in any project for which you can license the font. you can choose to license it with a creative commons license, or purchase a commercial license if you want to sell your font.

if you go down this road, be prepared to be amazed by the quality of some of the free fonts you can download. it's not every day you get to explore fonts of this caliber. even if you don't end up buying the font, you'll certainly learn a lot. as always, take care when using free fonts, and have fun.

my goal is to create a set of fonts that are affordable, easy to use, and awesome. i am a musician by trade so i have a background in music, technology, and creativity. i have also been creating art for many years.


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